Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Beginnings, New Mysteries

Okay, so here it is.  The one thing I promised myself I would NEVER do. In fact, I am pretty sure it almost made my new years resolution list to not do this. I have created a blog.  I know what you are thinking, "Mary made a blog?"  Yeah, I am still in shock myself.  Let me explain to you what possessed me (actually more like forced me) to make one of these.

I am a student at BYU-Idaho.  I am entering into my third semester here.  I absolutely love it here.  One of the classes I am required to take because of my major is Family Relations.  I forced myself out of bed early so I could make it to my 7:45 class.  I honestly had no idea what to expect of this class.  The first matter of business was to announce homework.  Believe it or not, Brother Williams is forcing us all to break our shells and to make our own blogs.  So here it is.  My first attempt at a blog post.

Luckily, I don't anticipate anyone reading this.  Actually, I am almost certain I will receive no views (Well, other than from my teacher).  But if anyone is daring enough to actually open this blog spot, let me tell you YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.  Along with me comes sarcasm and random thoughts.  I am sure this blog will be full of them.

Anyways, here's to a new year and to New Beginnings.  What will the year 2013 have in store?  I guess we will have to wait and see.



  1. Oh tarter sauce! I was hoping that this blog was created to inform us that you were really close to getting that "Mrs. Degree" from BYU-I LOL! Love you!

  2. Haha love this and love Cambria's comment!
