Sunday, February 10, 2013

Gender Roles

This week's topic was on that of gender roles.  Are there such things as gender roles?  I personally feel there are gender roles and each individual has his or her own role.  Because I didn't like this week's topic very much, I am not going to post very much.  In fact, I don't even care if nobody looks a this post.  But in short, I guess I will leave you with what I put down on the class's discussion board:

"I found this week's discussion to be a very interesting one, yet a very sensitive subject.  I stayed quiet in class because I liked listening to and absorbing all of the discussion that was going on.  As I sat there, I realized how crucial the role of "mother" and "father" or just "man" and "woman" truly is.  each person is born with a gene to be either a male or a female.  With each of these genders, comes a natural role.  Men tend to be more protective and masculine.  Females are natural nurturers it seems when given a baby.  Yes, there may be some men who are more sensitive and a woman who is more protective/"masculine", but really there is no way of them being completely over in that other realm.  There are two genders.  Many like to believe there is a third of men and women being in the middle.  The truth is either you are a man or you are a woman.  When a man and a woman marry each other, they each have their own traits and characteristics that comes along with their gender role.  With marriage between a man and a woman, they are able to complete each other and become perfect.  Perfect in the sense of being whole.  There is something about men and women being together that has eternal drives.  God created men and women to be together to complete each other.  When you take away one side of the whole, you are no longer complete, whole, or perfect."

So yeah, I am not to fond of this subject.  Even though I know it is a highly debated and talked about subject, I prefer to stay out of things and let the individual person decide for their self  what is right and what ever their decision is, it is between them and the Lord as to how they want to go about with their relationships and taking on their role as a man or a woman.  Either which way, we are told to love.

I thought I would put in one of the comments a classmate put up, and then another classmates answer to it.  He answers it better than anything I could ever say:

"I think it is completely pathetic how we're being introduced to this subject.  We're always told that families are sacred.  I believe that.  I believe that a family is sacred whether it has two dads, two moms, or one of each.  Yes, gender roles are important.  But you know what's more important?  Love.  Do you think that a child raised by two parents of the same sex is loved any less?  Of course not.  And isn't that what matters?  We get so caught up in pointing out how we're all different from each other, that we don't realize the main purpose of being a family.  Love, support, and common-ground.  In class on Wednesday, Brother Williams stated how homosexuality is a "trend", (which I'm not even going to get into right now) but I have to point out a different trend I see in the world, hate and judgments   I don't think that's how Heavenly Father wants to see his children treating each other."

And the response:

"I am not trying to attack you, but I think you're failing to see the purpose of why we are discussing this topic.  I agree with what you said about love.  If we  do not love one another, then it will be impossible to have a successful marriage and family.  Also, it is not our responsibility to judge others.  However, we can recognize when someone is doing something that goes against God's will.  God did not intend for families to have two dads or two moms.  There is nothing sacred about homosexuality. It is a sin just like any other sin.  That does not mean we should not love those people.  We can love the person, but not the sin.  The proclamation states, 'Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live.  Husbands and wives-- mothers and father-- will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations.'  How can parents truly live the commandments and provide for their children's spiritual needs if they are living in sin?  Happiness and success in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of Jesus Christ.  Our families will never be perfect, but we should be striving for perfection.  'The family is ordained of God.  Marriage between man and woman is essential to His eternal plan.  Children are entitled to birth withing the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother who honor marital vows with complete fidelity.'  Marriage between man and women is essential to the plan of God.  He does not accept any other types of marriage no matter how much they might love each other.  According to God, children have the right to be born into a family with a loving father and mother.  We should not and cannot deviate from God's plan.  '... we warn that the disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets.'  The importance of the family is disintegrating.  The world accepts and practices things that go against God.  Men and women have very specific roles.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.  It is the way that god intended it.  I am going to strive to live by these commandments, even though I know that I will not be able to complete with all of them.  The amazing thing is that we have a loving Heavenly Father who sent His son to die for us.  Through Jesus Christ and the atonement, we can overcome sin and become perfected.  God will always love us no matter what.  He still loves the homosexuals, but I'm sure He will not tolerate their sins.  Like I said before, we cannot judge others but it does not mean that we should tolerate or accept their sins."

Well put my wise class mate, well put.

Either which way, there is always going to be debate over gender roles and who is allowed to do what.  Maybe we should leave it up to the EXPERTS


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