Monday, February 25, 2013

Marriage: Rules and Roles

If you were to take three people:  One who is a college student, one who is his father's age, and one last one the age of his grandfather and asked them how their view points on family were, what would you expect to hear?  More than likely, you could expect to see more emphasis of the importance of family and the roles that come with it from the grandfather.  Why is this?  It is because as time has gone along, the importance of families has dwindled.

Most of the influence comes from the change in trends of marriage.  Some of the trends you can see if that of marriage occurring later on in age, the birth rates are declining, more and more couples are cohabitating, and there are fewer people actually getting married and living alone.  

If this is true, then who is getting married?  Research has shown that those who are educated and those who are religious are the ones who are marrying.  There are simple reasons behind this.  Those who are religious tend to be more conservative and old fashioned.  they have strong beliefs in the importance of family, and they have a law of chastity to follow.  Those who are educated have more access to people who are potential marriage partners, they share the same goals with others who are educated, and they are more able to provide for a family.

Once a couple does decide to get married, there are rules and roles to abide by.  Once a couple is married, they should share the goal to constantly be building their marriage.  The most vital part of it all is to build trust between your spouse.  Distinct boundaries should be implemented and marriage issues should be kept between husband and wife.  Keep your issues between the two of you and work things out.  One thing I learned from class is avoid discussing things with opposite gender friends. As you talk with them, you release those feelings and they are the ones who you relate to and odds are, you will relate the feelings of listening and comfort with those friends rather than your spouse, and feelings will build towards that friend.

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