Friday, March 22, 2013

It's my money, I do what I want with it. . . right?

There you are, your favorite day of work: payday.  You grab that check freshly off  the print and take it in.  Aw yes, this is the money you have worked hard for.  You can do as you please.  Or can you?

This week, we have been learning about your work and money, and accommodating it into your family.  These two subjects go hand in hand.  Some might say "So what?  It is my money, I can spend and do with it as I please."  Yes, this may be true, but there are always consequences.

back in the 'good old days', it was common for a family to work in order to live.  Working became a necessity to achieve food and supplies for the family.  Now and days, you are beginning to see it much more common that money earned is no longer for living necessities as it is for our benefit of luxuries.  Why shouldn't you be able to buy that motorcycle you have been eyeing for the past month?  You have the means to pay for it now.  After all, you earned the money.  Doesn't that mean you rightfully earned the motorcycle too?  When you think about it logically, a family needs some sort of a budget.

Money that is placed in categories so that you can manage your spending.  Sure, you might have the money to afford luxuries now, but what about that day in the near future where your job lays you off due to not being able to afford to pay you. Or what about that unanticipated emergency trip to the hospital (maybe even from riding this new toy you have bought)?  What are you going to do then when the income and money you had at the time before suddenly becomes thin?

All I can say is budget, budget, BUDGET.  Managing money is no easy task.  Sometimes it is very tempting to buy those little things in life which will bring you joy.  But in all reality, the day will come when you will appreciate the money you have saved up in a back-up fund or emergency fund.

I know it might kill you now at the thought of giving up something that you so desperately want at the time, but when time goes on and a need for money comes up suddenly, you will be thankful that you kept to your budget and saved up for a rainy day.


(Okay, take this post for what it is worth.  It is only what I have picked out from this week.  I am in no way at all close to being an expert on money or family.  I am just a college kid trying to get by)

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